Archives: Resources

To Whom It May Concern

Meaning of To Whom It May Concern You can use To Whom It May Concern at the beginning of a letter, notice or document, when the identity of the reader is unknown. Business letters commonly use the phrase as a salutation. You can used it where the letter is for someone without regard to whom receives…

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How to Cook Quinoa

Quinoa is a lightly flavored grain that was a common in the ancient Inca’s diet. Most relevant, it is super food with many health benefits that is available at most natural food stores. Also, it is a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids, as well as small amounts of omega-3-fatty-acids, in addition is…

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Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

Health Benefits of Ginger Tea Ginger is used in traditional and Western healing systems to make tea because it has powerful health benefits. In the East, ginger is used in Chinese medicine to raise the Yang, or hot energy. Also, in India, Ayurveda denotes ginger as a universal medicine. For example, ginger tea is known…

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How to Become a Vegetarian

How to become a Vegetarian? This article explains how to become a vegetarian following 3 steps. As a result, at the end of the article you will find tips on how to stay on track and help you through the transition. Step 1 The first step is understanding why you want to do it. There…

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Ayurvedic Diet

What is an Ayurvedic diet? An Ayurveda diet, also called Ayurvedic diet, is a holistic nutrition regimen based on the ancient medicinal practice of Ayurveda.   What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayur means life and veda means knowledge. The sages of India developed the mind-body health system thousands of years ago. The system…

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Smudging – Why, When and How to Smudge

What is smudging?   Smudging is a ritual that helps clear negative energy. The ritual consist in burning sacred plants to clear and consecrate the space. Smudging is a simple and safe ritual. Specially relevant, is that it is an ancient and sacred ceremony.   Stagnant negative energy can manifest into unhappiness, discomfort or illness….

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Boost Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

Boost Your Confidence with 6 Daily Actions: Lack of self-confidence and self-esteem holds us back from pursuing our dreams and truly living in the moment. When you have low self-esteem and self-confidence, it is extremely challenging to make time for your dreams and truly be yourself. How do we overcome the fear of failure and…

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15 Powerful Mudras and How to Use them

What is Mudra A mudra is a seal or gesture that facilitates the flow of energy in the subtle body. Mudras help you draw yourself inward. Each is a symbolic gesture that can stimulate different areas of the brain transmitting an exact goal of channeling energy flow during meditation. The seal creates a circuit in…

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Voided Check

What is a voided check? A voided check is a check rendered null. It is essentially a check with the word “VOID” written across a blank or partially written check. The word “VOID” indicates that the check cannot be accepted for payment. The word “VOID” also disables the check from being used as a blank…

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Easy Quinoa Recipe

Quinoa Recipe This is a simple and easy quinoa recipe. Its a recipe for perfectly fluffy quinoa, quick. Use as a simple and healthy side dish, in a salad or as the base for more delicious and nutritious main courses. Quinoa is easy and quick to cook. Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes…

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