Family Members and Interpersonal Relationships
What defines who your family members are and what interpersonal relationships matter the most to you? Family is simultaneously easy and difficult to define. There is no set definition for the term. The term varies and changes across space and time. It is a group that forms an emotional connection and serves an economic unit of…
What is Caster Sugar?
This article explains what is caster sugar and describes how to easily and quickly make caster sugar at home. What is caster sugar? Caster sugar is used in Britain to refer to superfine granulated sugar. You can also refer to it as castor sugar, superfine, bar sugar, berry sugar or sucre semoule (in French). It…
Future Goals
How to Dance
Career Fields And Career Clusters – What Are Your Career Options?
All careers fall into one of six career fields. With so many options to choose from, it can be challenging to decide where to start. Career fields are a good place to start, if you are just starting to discover careers. Your career can last your whole working life. Consequently, selecting a profession is a…
Long Term Goals – What Are Your Long Term Goals?
What are long-term goals? Long-term goals are goals that can take you a long time to accomplish and short-term goals are goals that you can achieve in a short time. For instance, a short-term goal is something you want to achieve in the near future. The near future usually means less than a year. Examples…
Short Term Goals – What Are Your Short Term Goals?
What are short-term goals? Short term goals are goals that you can achieve in a short time. These goals can help you make big changes over time. For instance, a short term goal is something you want to achieve in the near future. The near future usually means less than a year. Examples include learning…
What Does STEM Mean? What is a STEM Major?
What Does STEM Mean? You may be wondering what does STEM Mean? If so, this article is for you. STEM is an abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. It refers to careers and jobs in this space. STEM careers are currently in high demand and many of them pay wages close to double average…
Strong Verbs To Strengthen Your Resume
If you really want the job, then strengthen your resume with these strong verbs. Show off your accomplishments with these strong verbs. Replace the commonly used words such as managed and led with more creative and compelling verbs that will catch the attention of hiring manager’s and recruiters alike. Strong Verbs to Strengthen your Resume…