Areas In Life To Set Goals

Guide to setting goals

This article covers the areas in life to set goals. When you set goals, do you look at them in isolation or do you consider how the goals you set affect the rest of your life? For instance, if your goal is to be fit, then you will have to make time to exercise and to eat a healthy diet. Setting a goal to get in shape will affect your relationships, your work and potentially even your financial goals.

Areas in life to set goals

7 areas to consider when setting goals

There are 7 areas you should consider when setting goals. The areas of life to set goals are:

  • Personal growth – this including time to study and grow both intellectually and spiritually
  • Health – it embraces all aspects of a healthy lifestyle
  • Nutrition – this comprises nourishing your body, mind and soul
  • Financial Wellness – it includes smart management of your money
  • Family and social life – includes who you spend your time with and the relationships you nurture
  • Well-being – it encompasses all contributing factors of your well-being, including spirituality.


All these areas in life to set goals are important. When one area is out of harmony it puts strain on other areas. The predominant purpose when setting goals is to ensure that these areas of life are in balance. Consider the areas where you want to spend time improving in order to get your life back in equilibrium. When setting goals remember to have a big picture perspective of how the goal that you are setting will impact the other areas of your life. This helps you when you are setting goals to consider how all other areas in your life are impacted by the new goal. It also helps you achieve your goals because you are able to anticipate obstacles and aspects in other areas of your life that compete for your time and attention. This approach helps you focus your priorities and attention.

When setting a new goal, consider the areas in your life that are out of balance. Focus on those areas first to bring your life back to harmony. After you have identified the area you want to focus on, set goals in each of the areas which will accomplish the achievements you desire.


7 Steps to Setting Goals

Once you know the areas in life to set goals, follow these steps to set your goals:

Step 1: Find the goal you want to accomplish. Write down a good description of what you want to achieve.

Step 2: List the benefits that will come to you by achieving the goal. Write each reward, return and positive outcome which will result from achieving your goal.

Step 3: List problems which you may encounter pursuing your goal. Write out the obstacles, complications and impediments that can get in your way. These may include things such as not enough time, limited resources, simply lack of money.

Step 4: List the skills and knowledge you need to reach your goal. Write down the information and skills which you don’t currently have, and are required to attain the end result.

Step 5: Identify the people in your life who can help you succeed in accomplishing your goal. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Also consider if you can outsource an action item or a few.

Step 6: Develop an action plan. Write out each task that you need to complete in order to reach your goal. Also write down how you plan to achieve each step.

Step 7: Set a timeline. Write down the time you need to complete each of the tasks in the action plan. Take in to consideration the obstacles and knowledge required and build this in to the timeline. After you have built out the timeline you will have a date to work towards, and you can track your progress as you work your way towards reaching your goal.



In summary, the areas of life to set goals are:

Once you have the areas in life to set goals, follow the 7 steps below to achieve goals in these areas are:

  • Describe what you want to accomplish
  • List the benefits of achieving the goal
  • List potential obstacles you can run into
  • List the skills and knowledge needed
  • Identifying people who can help you
  • Develop an action plan outlining the tasks you need to complete to achieve your goal
  • Establish a timeline tied to the plan of action and track your progress as you work towards achieving your goal.


When setting a new goal, consider how the new goal you are setting affects the other areas in your life. Also consider which areas you are lacking in and try to set new goals in weak areas so you can have a harmonious and balanced life.


About Sense of Purpose

Sense of purpose is the motivation that drives you toward a satisfying future. Hence, your sense of purpose helps you get the most of life and it helps you achieve what matters most to you. Most importantly, it feeds intrinsic motivation and it creates meaning from life. Purpose is our driver. Certainly, purpose is a fundamental component of a fulfilling life. Our purpose is to help you find yours.

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